Journeys to Inspire – opening doors...

Journeys to Inspire – opening doors...
Journeys to Inspire – opening doors...

As a young woman, travel and work took Alicia beyond the usual borders and frontiers of life, initiating her 'Journeys to Inspire' both inwardly and across the globe, connecting with a diversity of cultures and peoples.

Over the years, she has traveled and worked on every continent of this amazing world, from Australia to Antarctica, and Siberia to the Seychelles. Those journeys to far flung lands and unfamiliar environments forced and inspired Alicia to adapt and grow in her awareness from the inside, and out into the world.

“You go girl, travel it’s the university of life!”

- Grandmother Alice (1979)

Work with Me

Soul Guide & Coach

Soul Guide & Coach

Guidance & Coaching to widen your perspective, heal past wounds & transform your soul's potential. Plus help to connect with your loving guide/s.

Health & Healing

Health & Healing

Guiding and supporting you to create healthier and more loving choices to feel more grounded, at ease and vibrant in your body, mind, heart & soul - and healing.

Soul Tuning

Soul Tuning

Refined energetic adjustments & transformations in your spirit body, attuning you to a greater sense of your soul’s true self. ie: unlocking & opening doors to your soul

Events & Resources

Events & Resources

This page is in process. It will contain upcoming events and relevant resources to assist you to awaken, heal and transform - thanks for your patience.