Soul Tuning

Soul Tuning
Soul Tuning
Refined energetic adjustments & transformations in your spirit body, attuning you to a greater sense of your soul’s true self. ie: unlocking & opening doors to your soul

Note: This page is currently being updated

Adjustments and transformations in your spirit body are like unraveling and clearing knots, currently relevant to your soul’s progression. It can often be like digging out a splinter and bring forth more pain initially, before a greater sense of inner clarity, balance, strength and desire grows

“You’re energy work is incredibly precise and compassionate.”

- Maria (EMF Balancing and Re-Connection Teacher - 2000)

Who am I?

Who am I?
Who am I?

Note: The remainder of this page is currently being updated

We are human souls. Our physical body acts as a glove for our spirit body, which in turn is a glove for our soul's expression. The spiritual body is a multi-layered lattice of quantum light, electromagnetic circuitry, and intertwining connections. It includes, our chakras, meridians, aura, and electro-magnetic field. The wiring system of our spiritual body could be likened to a holographic CD. Sometimes it plays harmoniously, or it becomes stuck, ejects, goes backwards, or repeats over and over!

A unique fingerprint, every Soul Tuning, automatically calibrates to your souls current personal desire.

“Receiving Soul Tuning adjustments, has helped me emotionally release unhealed life events and step more fully into my passions.”

- Marina (client)

Clear, strengthen, balance, align and connect

Clear, strengthen, balance, align and connect
Clear, strengthen, balance, align and connect

As an energy medium, I make adjustments in your spiritual feld, to clear, strengthen, balance, align and re-connect your lattice in a new way. Just like re-wiring a house, Soul Tuning assists you to conduct higher and more subtle frequencies of energy with less chance of blowing a fuse!

The soul is a blank slate of potential with a unique personality. When we incarnate we’re like a sponge. We soak up physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of our parents, as well as from previous generations, society, and the environment. These absorbed conditions may be talents and gifts, or blockages, traumas, and limiting beliefs. All become a part ofus, therefore affecting our choices in life, until we awaken and change!

Do you want to release wounds of the past, free yourself of future fears and awaken your potential to grow?

True transformation happens from the inside, out….

“Alicia’s extraordinary energy work has cleared blockages and allowed my light to shine strongly and brightly. I have new clarity in my life plans and feel I can do anything!”

- Cymbeline (client)

Spiraling steps along the way...

Spiraling steps along the way...
Spiraling steps along the way...

The steps are personalized to your present situation. As your soul develops, the steps can be repeated, as if walking up the spiraling staircase of incremental growth. Each step involves clearing, balancing, strengthening and upgrading your field, all to accelerate your connection to Source and your personal energetic lattice.

There are eight steps, in two phases of four. This is an overview:

  • Steps 1-4: Energetic Foundation - realign the potential of your energy anatomy.
  • Steps 5-8: Templates of Development - action, practice in everyday mastery.

For Collective Energy Transmissions - click here


It will be an honor to guide your journey...

Send me a message with any questions and tell me a little of your present situation and desire for change. We can set up an initial session via phone or video call and take it from there. After each indivual Soul Tuning, I share spiritual insights and inspirations.

My desire is to assist you in opening doors to greater awareness and new possibilities. Only your desire can choose to walk on through. I encourage you to be humble to your feelings and above all, kind, compassionate, and patient with yourself.

For Collective Energy Transmissions - click here

Everything I offer is a free gift, - supportive donations are also gratefully appreciated - click here to find out more


“Watching Alicia fine tune energies is a graceful dance of martial art for the heart.”

- Connie (client)


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