Health & Healing

Health & Healing
Health & Healing
Guiding and supporting you to create healthier and more loving choices to feel more grounded, at ease and vibrant in your body, mind, heart & soul - and healing.

Are you ready to wake up to unhealthy programming embedded in your cells? Is it time to rebalance and activate the cellular intelligence of your body? Do you want to begin the journey towards dazzling health and vitality?

“After regular advice, insights, and energy work, I went from chronic aches, pains, and depression, to ease of movement and renewed hope for my future. With Alicia’s support, I chose to make changes that were initially challenging, but I’m so glad to have been as patient with myself as she was with me.”

- Robert (client)

Healing from the inside, out

Healing from the inside, out
Healing from the inside, out
“You are what you eat... Do no harm.”

- Hippocrates (‘Father of Medicine’)

We can all re-balance our cellular structure by eliminating unhealthy food choices and facing whatever addictions we have. As an example, I’ve chosen a plant-based diet, which has lead me to becoming healthier, stronger, and having more energy.

As I assist you in untangling the blockages, re-aligning your inner and outer equilibrium, and activating the innate transformative vitality of your body, the protective layers are removed and the root causes revealed. With practical suggestions to assist in treating your present symptoms, we’ll move to creating a healthier pathway, unique to your own healing and transformation.

Each session is generally enhanced with energetic support. This aids you to release blockages and activate a healthy healing journey and inspire radiant vitality.

"Alicia's skill, empathy and wisdom enable her to get right to the heart of an issue, taking you to a new level of spiritual development and self awareness.”

- Carol  (client)

Begin the journey now

Begin the journey now
Begin the journey now

To begin the journey, create quiet time and space for yourself. Drink plenty of water, before sitting comfortably and breathing deeply. Without trying, listen to your body with your heart. If your body had a message for you, what would it be? Are colors or images floating to the surface? You may have distant memories pop in. Observe how you feel. Like a child, allow any emotions to rise and flow, without judgement and blame of yourself, or others. At the same time, let your imagination conjure up pictures of your desired health and vitality. Feel this as a reality

I encourage you to listen to your body, be humble to your feelings, and above all, be kind, compassionate, and patient with yourself

Send me a message with any questions and tell me a little of your present situation and desire for change. We can set up an initial session via phone or video call and take it from there.

Note: The journey will be adapted to you, as a unique soul

Everything I offer is a free gift - supportive donations are also gratefully appreciated - click here to find out more


“You’d be blown away if you could feel the huge healing energy I can see flowing from you”

- Eamon (Spiritual Healing Teacher - 1999)

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